Friday, December 20, 2013

And then there were four...

We moved up here with only three horses because Elphie was killed by a snake shortly before the move.  Our friend Marjie is reducing her herd, so she asked if we would be interested in her horse Boogie.  He is exactly my kind of horse, so we have been waiting for a break in the weather so I could ride him to his new home.  Today dawned bright and sunny, so today was the day.  I GPSed the ride and it was a little over 11 miles, and a rise of almost 1400 feet.  Boogie was a star the whole way!  We had one little discussion about crossing a bridge that has become a dam with a very deep washout on the far side which he stepped in and almost fell on the first try, but with a little encouragement from behind, he jumped the chasm and I remounted and we were on our way!  He was dragging a bit towards the end, and I was thinking "We need to work on forward," but when I got home and realized he had done over 11 miles uphill, mostly on muddy jungle trails, in just about 3 hours, I decided he had a good reason for slowing down.  I hosed him off and turned him out with the other three, and the four of them are getting along great.  Lodo seems delighted to have another boy in the herd!

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